I’d always dreamed of exploring Africa, ever since I read my first Tarzan(《人猿泰山》)comic as

发布时间:2020-08-17 05:56:36

I’d always dreamed of exploring Africa, ever since I read my first Tarzan(《人猿泰山》)ic as a child. Finally, in 2004, to celebrate my 60th birthday, I went to Tanzania to experience a safari(东非游猎)and climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. Seated next to me on the flight was Tanzania’s minister of water and wildlife development. We talked for thousands of miles, and he arranged me to visit a school. When I toured the school, I was shocked. The leaky(漏的)roofs turned the dirt floors into mud during the rainy season, and the walls couldn’t keep out the heat, cold or bugs(小昆虫). The school was in need of all material goods, but the kids possessed great human spirit.
It broke my heart that these children had to struggle to survive, so I asked the headmaster what it would cost to feed them. As little as 20 cents per child per day, he told me. Immediately I got home, I founded Kids of Kilimanjaro. Since then we’ve grown to provide hot lunches for nearly 13,000 schoolchildren every day. The free lunch program has eased a major problem the youngsters face.
I know a good education could really make a difference in these children’s lives. My parents always stressed the importance of education. I paid my own way through college in Tokyo by teaching English to students and businesspeople. After attending university I moved to San Francisco, when I was 25 years old. In 1978 I realized my American dream when I founded my own pany. My success all started with a good education.
It’s amazing that something as simple as a nutritious lunch can change and enrich so many lives. Giving young people a better, healthier life can inspire them to go all the way through college and lead a movement that transforms their country.
【小题1】Why did the author go to Tanzania to celebrate his 60th birthday?A.He was curious about what Africa was like.B.He was concerned about the Africans’ miserable life.C.He wanted to get an idea of the area’s wildlife.D.He hoped to lead a movement that would transform his country.【小题2】After his tour to the school, the author found that the kids there were     .A.in need of helpB.not interested in studiesC.not used to the rainy seasonD.in low spirits【小题3】What is the main purpose of Kids of Kilimanjaro?A.To make sure the African kids are mentally healthy.B.To spread knowledge among the African kids.C.To build new schools for the African kids.D.To protect the African kids from hunger.【小题4】What is the correct sequence of the following events?
a.“I” founded “my” first pany.
b.“I” founded Kids of Kilimanjaro.
c.“I” read “my” first Tarzan ic.
d.“I” moved to San Francisco.A.a, c, d, bB.a, d, c, bC.c, a, d, bD.c, d, a, b【小题5】The author believes education is important because     .A.his parents always stressed the importance of educationB.a good education contributes to his successC.he paid his own way through college by teaching EnglishD.he’s trying to realize his American dreamA 


解析:本文是一篇记叙文。从小就梦想到非洲旅行的作者,在2004年实现了梦想。在了解到当地一所学校学生的疾苦后,他回到美国创建了Kids of Kilimanjaro,以帮助解决那里的学生中午吃饭的问题。
【小题1】推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的I’d always dreamed of exploring Africa及to celebrate my 60th birthday,I went to Tanzania to experience a safari可知,作者为了庆祝六十岁的生日去非洲是为了看一看非洲到底是什么样子。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的The leaky roofs turned the dirt floors into mud during the rainy season,and the walls couldn’t keep out the heat,cold or bugs可知,学校的条件很简陋,孩子们需要帮助。故答案选A。
【小题4】 事件顺序题。由文章第一段第一句话可知“作者是在儿童时期第一次阅读《人猿泰山》”;由第三段可知“作者25岁的时候搬到圣弗朗西斯科”,由第一段可知“作者2004年的时候是60岁”,由此可推断“作者搬到圣弗朗西斯科的时候是1969年”;由第三段可知“作者是1978的成立自己的公司”;由第二段可知“作者是2004年创建了Kids of Kilimanjaro”。故本题答案为D。
【小题5】细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段最后一行My success all started with a good education可得出正确答案B