I went to Guiling,I was fascinated by its natural scenery.A. The first timeB. At firstC. A

发布时间:2020-08-16 23:41:47

    I went to Guiling,I was fascinated by its natural scenery.
A. The first time
B. At first
C. At the first time
D. For the first time


(答案→)A. The first time
B. At first
C. At the first time
D. For the first time
解析:考查连词。在英语中很多名词性短语都会转化成连词,连接时间状语从句,如the first time, the second, the moment等;本题中的the first time第一次…的时候;连接时间状语从句I went to Guiling;句意:第一次我到桂林的时候,就被它自然的景色给迷住考查连词了。故A正确。