She did it it took me.A. one third the timeB. the one-third time C. one-third a timeD. a

发布时间:2020-08-17 11:59:59

She did it      it took me.
A. one third the time
B. the one-third time
C. one-third a time
D. a one-third time


(答案→)A. one third the time
B. the one-third time
C. one-third a time
D. a one-third time
解析:倍数的表达一般有三种情况,即“倍数+as…. as”,“倍数+比较级+than”,和“倍数+限定词+名词”。这题考到了第三种情况。“one third” 表 示“三分之一”。整句意思是:她做这件事所花的时间是我所花时间的三分之一。再比如:Mice can eat grain 500 times their weight in one year.