单词拼写【小题1】Paris is one of the lliveliest cities in Europe. 【小题2】Hangzhou is the ccapitalof

发布时间:2020-08-23 06:39:23

【小题1】Paris is one of the lliveliest  cities in Europe.
【小题2】Hangzhou is the ccapital of Zhejiang Province.
【小题3】My bike was broken on my way home, I had to have it rrepaired .
【小题4】Chinese people like the idea of taking a seven-day holiday in OOctober .
【小题5】Will it be cconvenient for you to start this plan tomorrow?
【小题6】Your glasses are too old. You’d better buy a new ppair .
【小题7】The little boy has ppaid  five thousand yuan for the puter games. His parents are extremely angry.
【小题8】The soup ttastes  good. Would you like some ?
【小题9】We have learned too many new words these days. But I can’t rremember  all of them. What should I do?
【小题10】Mr. Li ccoaches  the school basketball team every year.


【小题3】我的自行车在回家的路上坏了,我必须去修一下它。Have sth done 使某物被…repaired修理,动词过去式