During the reconstruction of the city , many modern tall building went up old shabby house

发布时间:2020-08-17 04:09:04

During the reconstruction of the city , many modern tall building went up      old shabby houses were torn down.
A. in what
B. where
C. in which
D. which


A. in what
(答案→)B. where
C. in which
D. which
解析:考察地点状语从句。本题中的地点状语从句where old shabby houses were torn down修饰我们的动词短语go up。句意:在这座城市的重建过程中,很多现代的高楼在破旧的房屋被拆毁的地方拔地而起。C项是定语从句,但是前面缺少做先行词的名词或者代词。故B正确。