请根据下面的英语提示写一篇60字左右的短文。A man’s daughter is seriously ill and he has to rush her to the hosp

发布时间:2020-08-17 07:51:08

A man’s daughter is seriously ill and he has to rush her to the hospital. But on the way he injures an old lady seriously because of over speeding.
3.请在答题卡上作答。I must at first say this father is a responsible father but as a citizen of a society he is not a responsible driver: he only focuses on his own emergency based on the sacrifice of the others’ rights and benefits. 


(答案→)I must at first say this father is a responsible father but as a citizen of a society he is not a responsible driver: he only focuses on his own emergency based on the sacrifice of the others’ rights and benefits. 
【亮点说明】范文用两段82个字就把感想和观点说得清清楚楚,简洁明了,值得我们仿效。第一段在一分为二地评论这位父亲的行为以后还指出了这种错误行为的原因,为后面表达自己的观点作了第一次铺垫;第二段在讲自己的观点前,又接着第一段的叙述为讲自己的观点作了进一步的铺垫,使得观点的发表水到渠成。彰显了范文作者很强的逻辑思维能力。范文句式丰富多彩:短短82个字共5句话,其中主从复合句就用了3句。其余还用了简单句和并列句。像“I must at first say this father is a responsible father but as a citizen of a society he is not a responsible driver”这一句就含有宾语从句和并列句。这充分显示作者驾驭句子的能力。范文词汇的使用也很精彩:focuses on, based on, in my on any condition or circumstance.这些词汇的使用更是为文章增色不少。最后一句“So I think this man should be punished”更是画龙点睛之笔,作者的观点斩钉截铁,让读者一目了然。