根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。请将答案填写在第二卷指定的答题区域内。Mary: Well, Susan, how was you

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:10:04

Mary: Well, Susan, how was your shopping trip with Nancy this afternoon?
Susan: Don’t ask.     【小题1】    
Mary: What do you mean? Something went wrong?
Susan: Went wrong?     【小题2】     Nancy thought I had said I would meet her at the department store at 2:30 when I really said 2:00. Then she thought we would meet at the main entrance in front when I really said at the east entrance on the Twelfth Street.
Mary:     【小题3】    
Susan: Yes!     【小题4】     I had given up waiting and went inside the women’s clothing department. So did she. Thus we met finally and it was 3:00 by then.
Mary: Did you get what you wanted?     【小题5】    
Susan: A blouse, as a matter of fact. But by that time, all those on sale were gone. So I settled for a skirt.
A. Did you ever find each other?
B. But it was magical!
C. Actually, I’ve got the list ready.
D. I remember you said you wanted to get a sweater.
E. Did you get anything?
F. It could even be a disaster!
G. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.


【小题1】根据上文:Don’t ask.可知Susan不想再提起和Nancy的购物之行,选G
【小题2】根据上文:Went wrong?可知Susan认为这是一次灾难,选 F
【小题3】根据上文:Suan和 Nancy在购物前,时间地点都弄错了,所以Mary问她们有没有遇到彼此,选A
【小题4】根据下文:I had given up waiting and went inside the women’s clothing department. So did she. Thus we met finally and it was 3:00 by then.可知她们遇到彼此是很神奇的,选B
【小题5】根据上文:Did you get what you wanted? 可知Mary问Susan有没有买到想要的毛衣。选D