用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。【小题1】When was setthe Red Cross will win (set) up ?【小题2】Who do you think cu

发布时间:2020-08-21 02:41:18

【小题1】When was set the Red Cross will win  (set) up ?
【小题2】Who do you think cut  (win) the first prize in tomorrow’s petition?
【小题3】My hair is too long. I will have it to stop  (cut) this Saturday.
【小题4】I tried many ways I could think of Has forgiven  (stop) the little boy from crying.
【小题5】 ---to read  Miss Gao was showing  (forgive) you for your mistakes? --- Not yet.
【小题6】The students were made catches  (read) the text once more by Mr. Wu.
【小题7】---Why didn’t I see you at the concert?
---Because I didn’t go. I be laughed  (show) the visitors around our school.
【小题8】 Oil am having  (catch) fire easily. You must be very careful.
【小题9】The disabled mustn’t    (laugh) at by anybody.
【小题10】If I    (have) a rest when he es, please ask him to wait for a while in my office.

