----Do you regret not having gone abroad?----Not at all. I as much, but I’m glad to contri

发布时间:2020-08-17 11:46:17

----Do you regret not having gone abroad?
----Not at all. I     as much, but I’m glad to contribute to our motherland.
A.    didn’t earn  B. hadn’t earned  D. am not earning D. haven’t  earned


解析::本句考查现在完成时用法中“过去发生的动作对现在造成的结果和影响”这一用途,强调not having gone abroad对现在的影响。第二个说话人表达的意思是:虽然我现在没有钱像出了国那样挣那么多,但是我很欣慰为祖国做出了贡献。