短文填词 (共10小题,每空1分,满分10分)Dear Mary,In your last letter, you asked me how to have a better sc

发布时间:2020-08-17 01:43:53

短文填词 (共10小题,每空1分,满分10分)
Dear Mary,
In your last letter, you asked me how to have a better school life.
【小题1】Here are some of my s     . First, I hope our school will open the
【小题2】    (图书馆) more often. Second, I think our school can organize
【小题3】m     after-class activities but fewer exams . Next I hope our school will
【小题4】give us more time for sports, art and music. As for our     , I hope
【小题5】they will be our friends and try      best to make classes more interesting.
【小题6】And, i       they can talk less but more clearly in class, we will be more
【小题7】interested in studying and have more time to     (练习). Besides,
【小题8】I hope they will give us less homework and finish classes      time.
【小题9】I hope that my advice will be     (有帮助).
【小题10】Looking forward to h      from you.
Yours sincerely,


【小题1】 suggestions建议,可数名词,“一些建议”应用复数形式。句意,以下是我的一些建议。
【小题3】more 更多,many 的比较级,句意,我想我们学校可以多组织课外活动少考试。
【小题4】teachers老师,名词,as for our teachers,句意,至于我们的老师。
【小题5】their,他们的,物主代词,try one’s best尽某人所能
【小题6】if 如果,连词,句意,如果他们能谈得更少但更清晰的话
【小题7】practice / practise 动词,练习,句意,有更多的时间来练习。
【小题8】on介词,on time及时,准时。
【小题9】helpful 形容词,有益的,有帮助的,句意,我希望我的建议会有所帮助。 
【小题10】 hear from 收到。。。的来信,句意,我期望收到你的来信。