单词拼写(共10小题,每题0.5分,共5分)【小题1】Sport and recreation (娱乐) have always been part of university l

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:55:55

【小题1】Sport and recreation  (娱乐) have always been part of university life.
【小题2】Young people are not content (满足) to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in.
【小题3】Is English a pulsory  (必修) subject in your school?
【小题4】I had a holiday in America for a fornight  (两周) last year.
【小题5】Both poets drew their inspiration  (灵感) from the countryside.
【小题6】Everyone has his own weaknesses  (弱点).
【小题7】We are so disappointed that he gave us an ambiguous  (模棱两可的) answer.
【小题8】As a result, the government has strengthened rregulations  protecting these historic sites.
【小题9】She offered me practical aassessment  with my research.
【小题10】I’ve met her on several ooccasions  recently.


【小题2】content ;不可写satisfied或pleased。  
【小题5】inspiration ;不可写inspire。             
【小题7】考查 ambiguous 的拼写。
【小题8】regulations 制度;主语要用复数形式。
【小题10】on … occasions在……场合