A little boy was learning to play the piano in a musical school.One day,Paderewski,who was

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:43:35

A little boy was learning to play the piano in a musical school.One day,Paderewski,who was a very famous     in Poland,was holding a piano concert in his city.Wishing to encourage her young son's      on the piano,his mother took the boy to the Paderewski concert.After they were seated,the mother     a friend in the audience,who she hadn't met for a long time.So she walked down the aisle(过道)to     her.The mother and her friend stood     happily for a while before the     .Seizing the opportunity,the little boy rose and eventually made his way through a door     “No Admittance”to explore the wonders of the concert hall.
When the house lights became     and the concert was about to begin,the mother returned to her     .And she discovered that her child was     .She looked around,but her son was nowhere to be seen.Suddenly,the     parted and spotlights     on the impressive piano on the stage.To her     ,the mother saw her little boy sitting at the     ,innocently playing Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star on the piano.
At that moment,the great piano master made his entrance.He    moved to the piano in a hurry,and     in the boy's ear,“Don't     .Keep playing.”Then leaning over,Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass(低音的)part.Soon his    arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato(伴奏).Together,the old master and the young beginner transformed a frightening situation into a (n)     experience.
The audience had never seen such a performance form.They listened curiously and attentively,    in the wonderful music world.
【小题1】A.violinist B.scientistC.artistD.pianist【小题2】A.progress B.curiosityC.talentD.interest【小题3】A.calledB.spottedC.made D.treated【小题4】A.congratulate B.weleC.greet D.help【小题5】A.chatting B.quarrelingC.jokingD.laughing【小题6】A.class B.lectureC.meeting D.performance【小题7】A.decorated B.equippedC.packedD.marked【小题8】A.dim B.brightC.shiny D.colorful【小题9】A.home B.tableC.seat D.piano【小题10】A.missing B.sickC.afraidD.asleep【小题11】A.friends B.doorC.stage D.curtain【小题12】A.insisted B.tookC.focused D.agreed【小题13】A.horror B.delightC.shame D.pride【小题14】A.floorB.keyboardC.spotlight D.entrance【小题15】A.quickly B.angrilyC.slowlyD.sadly【小题16】A.shouted B.criedC.talkedD.whispered【小题17】A.wait B.quitC.speak D.play【小题18】A.shortB.longC.right D.left【小题19】A.creative B.attractiveC.embarrassing D.puzzling【小题20】A.engaged B.caughtC.involved D.lostD 


【小题1】解析 根据后面的“holding a piano concert”可知Paderewski是一位著名的钢琴家。
答案 D
【小题2】解析 为了鼓励她儿子在钢琴上取得进步,她决定带儿子去听这个音乐会。progress“进步”,符合语境。
答案 A
【小题3】 解析 spot在此用作动词,意为“看出,认出”。
答案 B
【小题4】 解析 根据常识判断,在剧院遇到朋友,她过去与她的朋友打招呼。greet“问候,招呼”,符合语境。
答案 C
【小题5】 解析 在演出开始之前,这位母亲站在那里与朋友开心地聊了一会儿。chat“聊天”,符合语境。
答案 A
【小题6】解析 见上题解析。performance意为“表演,演奏”,符合语境。
答案 D
【小题7】解析 这个小男孩最后竟然摸进了一扇上面写着“不得入内”的门里。mark“在……上做记号”,符合语境。
答案 D
【小题8】解析 根据常识及    27    空所在句的内容可知,表演快开始时灯光暗下来。dim“昏暗的”,符合语境。
答案 A
【小题9】解析 前面提到她离开座位去与朋友打招呼,现在演出快开始了,她应是回到了座位上。故选C项。
答案 C
【小题10】解析 后面一句“She looked around,but her son was nowhere to be seen.”是线索提示,她的儿子不见了。故选A项。
答案 A
【小题11】 解析 根据常识判断是幕布拉开了。故选D项。
答案 D
【小题12】解析 聚光灯打在钢琴上面。focus on意为“把……集中(于)……上”,符合语境。insist on“坚持”,take on“呈现”,agree on“达成一致”,均不符合语境。
答案 C
【小题13】 解析 这位母亲突然看见自己的儿子坐在钢琴前弹琴肯定很恐慌。horror“惊恐”,符合语境。下文的“a frightening situation”也是线索提示。
答案 A
【小题14】解析 这个男孩正在弹琴,故可判断他坐在键盘边上。keyboard在文中意为“(乐器的)键盘”。
【小题15】解析 此处强调动作快,故选A。
答案 A
【小题16】解析 后面的 “in the boy's ear” 暗示钢琴家在男孩的耳边小声说话,故选D。whisper “悄声说,低语”。
答案 D
【小题17】解析 后面的“Keep playing ”表明钢琴家要他继续弹下去,不要停下来。quit“停止”,符合语境。
答案 B
【小题18】解析 前面一句中的“Paderewski reached down with his left hand”表明钢琴家这次伸出了右手来弹奏。
答案 C
【小题19】解析 这种演奏法以前从未有过,是一种创新体验。creative“创造(性)的”,符合语境。
答案 A
【小题20】解析 此处表示沉醉在这美好的音乐世界之中,lost“全神贯注的”,符合语境。
答案 D