
发布时间:2020-07-26 19:45:52

阅读理解Research by sociologists Scott Coltrance Michele Adams looked at national survey data and found that when men increase their share of housework and childcare, their children are happier, healthier and do better at school.What’s more, when school-aged children do housework with their fathers, they get along better with their peers and have more friends.And they show more positive behaviors than if they do the same work with their mothers.“Because fewer men do housework than women,” said Adams, “when they share the work,it has more influence on children.” Fathers model “co-operative family partnerships”.When men share housework and childcare, it turns out, their partners are happier.Wives of egalitarian(主张人人平等的)husbands, regardless of class, report the highest levels of marital(婚姻的)satisfaction and lowest rates of depression,and are less likely to see therapists(治疗专家).They are also more likely to stay fit, since they probably have more time on their hands.And the benefits for men are even greater.Men who share housework and childcare are healthier--physically and psychologically.They smoke less, drink less, and take recreational drugs less often.They are more likely to stay in shape and more likely to go to doctors for routine screenings, but less likely to use emergency rooms or miss work due to illness.In both Europe and the United States,Dad is being the “fun parent”.He takes the kids to the park and plays soccer with the kids; she stays home.“What a great time we had with Dad!” the kids announce as they burst through the kitchen door to a lunch mum prepared.1.We can infer from the first paragraph that         .A.fathers usually have greater influence on their childrenB.it's better for school-aged children to do housework with their mothersC.few boys would like to do houseworkD.children benefit more from doing housework with their fathers2.Which of the following is NOT true of a woman whose husband shares housework? A.She enjoys a high level of satisfaction at home.B.She is less likely to develop depression.C.She will have more free time.D.She is more likely to gain weight.3.Men who share housework and childcare        .A.benefit physically more than psychologicallyB.will take the place of womenC.are less likely to develop bad habitsD.don’t perform well at work4.The passage is mainly about       .A.the new pattern of family relations in Europe and the USB.the benefits of men’s participation in housework and childcareC.the problems of men’s participation in childcareD.the important role husbands play in the family


DDCB解析文章讲述的是父亲在家里孩子照顾和家务方面的参与会带来很多好处1.推理判断题,根据第一段when men increase their share of housework and childcare, their children are happier, healthier and do better at school可知,2.事实细节题,根据第二段的They are also more likely to stay fit, since they probably have more time on their hands可知,他们更容易保持健康3.推理判断题,根据第三段Men who share housework and childcare are healthier--physically and psychologically.They smoke less, drink less, and take recreational drugs less often可知,孩子们的不良习惯很少4.主旨大意题,文章讲述的是父亲在家庭中对家务和孩子的照顾方面的参与会带来很多好处