—What’s that building?—the medical equipment is stored.A. There’s in whichB. That’s whereC

发布时间:2020-08-17 13:57:38

—What’s that building?
—    the medical equipment is stored.
A. There’s in which
B. That’s where
C. The building that
D. That’s the building which


A. There’s in which
(答案→)B. That’s where
C. The building that
D. That’s the building which
解析:本题考查where引导从句表地点,在句中作表语从句。此处Thats where...的意思与Thats the place where相同,只不过在第二个结构中where引导定语从句,修饰the place,如选C项,应把that改为where,选D项,把which改为in which或where,类似的例句还有:—Where is my book?—Its where you put it.“我的书呢?”“你放哪儿就在哪儿。”