根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)【小题1】 Who wants to rent a house out? A. Bob.B. Mr. Tong.C. Rick. 【小题2】If

发布时间:2020-08-22 01:31:07

【小题1】 Who wants to rent a house out?
A. Bob.        B. Mr. Tong.        C. Rick.
【小题2】If you lost your school students card you should call     .
A. 882-8615      B. 5669-6628        C. 13873824946   
【小题3】Where can you see the Stamp Collection Show?
A. The teacher’s office.  B. The museum.   C. In the school hall.
【小题4】 Bob wants to look for a quiet      house.
A. double        B. big               C. single 
【小题5】You can see the Stamp Collection Show from     every day.
A. 9:00 P.M.—5:00 A.M.      
B. 8:00 A.M.—5:00 P.M.  
C. 9:00 A.M.—5:00 P.M.     B 

