Mrs Black isn’t in and I’ll have to ring . I would appreciate it if you ring after 6 oc

发布时间:2020-08-17 14:34:48

Mrs Black isn’t in and I’ll have to ring     . I would appreciate it if you ring      after 6 o'clock?  
A. off; back
B. up; off
C. out; up
D. back; off


(答案→)A. off; back
B. up; off
C. out; up
D. back; off
解析: Black女士不在家, 我现在不得不把电话挂上了; 要是你在6点钟后再来个电话我将不胜感激。ring off挂断电话;ring back回电话;ring up 打电话;ring out响起;宣布离去。