It was playing computer games cost the boy plenty of time he ought to have spent doing his

发布时间:2020-08-16 16:48:43

It was playing puter games     cost the boy plenty of time     he ought to have spent doing his homework.    
A. that; that
B. which; that
C. which; when
D. that; when


(答案→)A. that; that
B. which; that
C. which; when
D. that; when
解析:这题考查强调句,强调的是playing puter games,第二空考查定语从句,先行词是plenty of time,定语从句中缺乏宾语用that引导句意是:就是玩电脑游戏花了男孩本来应该花来写作业的时间。选A。