根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。【小题1】.They are used to being .divided(分

发布时间:2020-08-16 17:30:25

【小题1】.  They are used to being . divided (分成) into groups in their English class.
【小题2】.  China is a developing country, . belonging (属于) to the Third World.
【小题3】.  My good friend will be sent . abroad (国外) for further study of chemistry.
【小题4】.  He desires to . receive (收到) a present now. 
【小题5】.  Tomorrow’s football match had to be. cancelled/ canceled (取消)because of the bad weather.
【小题6】.  All my classmates want to be  . volunteers (志愿者) of the EXPO in Xi’an. 
【小题7】.  He is thinking of taking a part in . politics (政治).
【小题8】. They tried in . .vain (徒劳)to persuade her to go. 
【小题9】.  Answers are given on the . opposite (对面的) page.  
【小题10】.  All the rooms were . fortably (舒适地) furnished.


解析: 略