根据所给首字母或中文提示在空格处填上合适的词,并把答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。56.Since he can play many 56. musical 57. refreshe

发布时间:2020-08-16 13:14:53

56.  Since he can play many 56. musical    57. refreshed    58. disturbing/annoying/bothering (音乐) instruments, he may well be called a man of acplishments.
57.  I 59. thrills     60. fastened     61. approval/agreement   62. unconsciously  (提神) myself with a cup of coffee and went on with my paperwork till late into the      night. 
58.  In World Cup 2010, the sound of vuvuzela is so 63. victim     64. occur      65. ridiculous/absurd (烦人的) that organizers are considering a ban on it.
59.  The adventure tour was full of unexpected t   and suspense.
60.  Before you leave, please check whether all the windows are properly f  .
61.  You can’t go to the party without your parents’ a  , Shelley. 
62.  He made that mistake   (无意). Don’t be angry with him.
63.  A v   is a person who suffers physical or emotional harm, or loss or damage to property      as a direct result of a criminal offence.  
64.  World Cup fever tends to o   every four years, although there were years - 1974, 1978, 1994 - when the disease did not break out.   
65.  She refused to meet his    (荒谬的) demands.

