阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My first memories of acts of kindnes

发布时间:2020-08-16 15:52:12

My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old. From then on I always 36  at home and with friends.
That winter I notice that many  37   people had difficulty getting to the  38  store after a snowstorm. So I started to spend part of a   39   Saturday knocking at apartment doors to ask if any one needed 40  from the store. The grocery store was down a huge hill and I would bring   41   a couple of bags of groceries for them. I liked it and it made them so 42  .
It started with  43  alone and then the number grew. A short time later, my 44  in the building asked what I was doing and a couple of them  45  and it became a routine. I  46  asked for or took money for it. Sometimes the ladies 47  slip the change in my pocket. I would just buy something the next time to give to them, 48 flowers or a card. I did this every 49_ up to when I left to go to college.
When I was away at   50 , many people asked my mom how I was doing. Through those conversations she  51  what I used to do -—I had never told her.
Now, I’m a teacher and teaching my students the art of true 52 ; Everyone in the world needs help, and everyone can also   53  help. The image of those old people’s happiness caused by my      54 of goodwill appears in my mind every time I have the chance to do something   55 . This is the power of charity.
【小题1】A.look aroundB.run aboutC.help outD.act up【小题2】A.lazyB.youngC.elderlyD.disabled【小题3】A.groceryB.clothesC.foodD.medicine【小题4】A.sunnyB.cloudyC.rainyD.snowy【小题5】A.anythingB.nothingC.allD.few【小题6】A.forwards B.inC.backD.out【小题7】A.surprised B.interestedC.ashamedD.happy【小题8】A.myselfB.meC.themselvesD.them【小题9】A.classmatesB.studentsC.relativesD.friends【小题10】A.gave upB.joined inC.paid upD.turned away【小题11】A.sometimesB.notC.neitherD.never【小题12】A.wouldB.should C.couldD.dared【小题13】A.likeB.asC.byD.for【小题14】A.dayB.weekC.month D.winter【小题15】A.schoolB.collegeC.leisure D.work【小题16】A.recognizedB.followedC.learnedD.proved【小题17】A.friendshipB.usefulnessC.successD.kindness【小题18】A.offerB.ownC.accept D.reward【小题19】A.actsB.wordsC.thoughtD.test【小题20】A.unusualB.successfulC.hardD.niceC 


解析:语篇解读:本文作者讲述了自己12岁的时候做好人好事的经历作者利用自己星期六的空 闲时间帮助老人做一些力所能及的事这种精神影响了身边的人。现在作者是一位老师想将这种精神传承给学生爱心之火永不熄灭。
【小题1】C。help out帮助解决难题。由下文 “knocking on my elderly neighbors’ apartment doors” 可知是老人有困难。
【小题1】C。elderly people老年人。那个冬天我注意到老年人在雪暴后去杂货店有困难。
【小题1】C。bring back带回。我将为他们带回几包商品。
【小题1】B。join in加入某人的活动中去。
【小题1】B。at college在大学。
【小题1】A。offer help提供帮助。每个人也提供帮助。
【小题1】A。act行为。act of goodwill善意的行为。