第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Everything speeds up with people’s lives. People often eat fa

发布时间:2020-08-16 14:15:25

Everything speeds up with people’s lives. People often eat fast food     36     nice meals cooked by mother     37    . They go to the shop, where the meal is     38     cooked. They can take     39     from the shelf when they     40     their dollars and in ten minutes eat it and     41     their dinner. This is not good for     42    .
People move a great     43     from city to city,     44     their jobs. Airplanes go     45     between cities. Every twenty-five seconds planes are taking off from the airports. When people move     46     the cities, they leave their friends     47    , moving from place to place. They leave their old mother and father, their children, and leave their     48    . And people bee without roots, without a place     49     they can really call “home”. This has very    50     effects. One thing is that the old people often live so far from their children that,     51     they bee old, there is nobody to     52     them. Brothers and sisters move far away from each other. They telephone each other. But the families are very     53    . The society doesn’t have the     54     ways any more, which kept people     55     together. And many people feel rather lonely today.
36. A. without               B. together with           C. instead of                       D. as
37. A. at school             B. at home                   C. in the house                    D. in the kitchen
38. A. already              B. still                      C. not                                 D. just
39. A. them                  B. it                            C. everything                       D. little
40. A. put                            B. get                           C. set                                  D. pay
41. A. finish                 B. cook                        C. fetch                        D. bring
42. A. families                     B. children                   C. old people                      D. business
43. A. many                 B. much                       C. deal                        D. far
44. A. doing                 B. to do                       C. changing                 D. change
45. A. usually               B. immediately             C. constantly                        D. fast
46. A. from                  B. to                           C. in                           D. aroun
47. A. behind                      B. away                       C. out                                 D. off
48. A. friends                      B. parents                     C. teachers                   D. students
49. A. or                   B. and                         C. where                             D. that
50. A. bad                    B. surprising                C. exciting                          D. great
51. A. if                             B. when                       C. since                       D. because
52. A. see                            B. look after                 C. hear from                 D. telephone
53. A. scattered            B. different                  C. large                        D. separated
54. A. new                   B. old                          C. easy                                D. same
55. A. close                  B. near                         C. live                          D. friendlyCBABD   AACCC   BAADA   BBABA 

