根据汉语或首字母提示,在下列句子中写出单词的正确形式。1Her mother 1. indicated 2. description 3. command 4. resource

发布时间:2020-08-16 14:02:41

1.Her mother 1. indicated   2. description     3. mand        4. resources     5.destination ( 提示)what we should do first bfore we began.
2.  The beauty of Xihu is beyond 6.invitation   7. staple         8. gesture          9. adopt        10. Sound (描述).
3. You must obey the   (命令)-you are a soldier.
4. As the natural   (资源) are running out, we must make full use of them.
5. The Great Wall was our final d  (目的地).
6. Although we were very busy, we accepted the i   to the wedding.
7.Rice is the s   food in many Asian countries.
8.We make ourselves understood not just by words but also by g   language.
9. He decided to a1. indicated   2. description     3. mand        4. resources     5.destination a useful method to improve his English.
10.S   travels more slowly than light.

