I spend the Saturday afternoon with my old friends in the zoo, but they did not come.A.

发布时间:2020-08-16 15:22:27

I      spend the Saturday afternoon with my old friends in the zoo, but they did not e.
A. was going
B. was to
C. will
D. was about to


A. was going
(答案→)B. was to
C. will
D. was about to
解析:考查过去将来时表示虚拟语气,was/were to do有本打算做…而没做,句意是:我本打算和老朋友在动物园度过周六下午,可是他们没到。Was going后面少to,C项应该是would,D项表示过去即将做,而且不能和具体的过去时间连用。选B。