【小题1】The ad most probably comes from the “”part of the newspaper.AEducationB.FarmingC.Tra

发布时间:2020-08-16 13:37:55

【小题1】The ad most probably es from the “    ”part of the newspaper.A.EducationB.FarmingC.TravelD.History【小题2】Which of the following ways can offer you enough information about the celebration in Plano?A.Calling 214-599-7733.B.Visiting5445 Independence Pkwy.C.Visiting 5445 Beltline Rd.D.Calling 214-599-7783.【小题3】The purpose of the ad is to     A.tell readers what Walt Disney isB.encourage readers to attend a Disney celebrationC.look for helpers for the celebrationD.announce a plan of a Disney celebration【小题4】According to the ad, AAA Travel is    .A.the name of an agentB.a way of travelingC.a way of celebrationD.a kind of activity held by DisneyC 

