每个人都有理想和追求,都有自己的梦想。你的梦想有多高,你就可能飞多高。世界上第一位没有双手的飞行员Jessica Cox通过自己的不懈努力创造了一个个奇迹。请根据图片提示,描述她的

发布时间:2020-08-23 11:56:12

每个人都有理想和追求,都有自己的梦想。你的梦想有多高,你就可能飞多高。世界上第一位没有双手的飞行员Jessica Cox通过自己的不懈努力创造了一个个奇迹。请根据图片提示,描述她的奋斗史,并就此简单谈谈你的感想。
要求:1. 文中不得出现真实的校名、人名。
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
3. 词数80左右。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

As the saying goes, will will find a way. Jessica Cox is such a living example to prove it. She is a girl who touches the sky without arms.                                       
    As the saying goes, will will find a way. Jessica Cox is such a living example to prove it. She is a girl who touches the sky without arms. 


(答案→)As the saying goes, will will find a way. Jessica Cox is such a living example to prove it. She is a girl who touches the sky without arms. 
解析:本文的写作首先对她出生时的情况进行描写,说明她没有手臂she had no arms.她开始在很小的时候就学习跳舞she began to learn dance at a very early age参加驾校的课程she took driving lessons.并对现在的情况进行描写,她能够使用电脑,成为了世界第一个无臂飞行员。最后表达自己的感想,如表达听到她的故事,我会更加努力的学习以至于能够实现我自己的梦想I think I should work much harder so that I can make my dream e true early.