根据汉语提示,写出单词或者短语的正确形式完成下面的句子。【小题1】My son is enthusiastic about collecting car models. (对…热心

发布时间:2020-08-16 23:16:40

【小题1】My son is enthusiastic  about collecting car models.  (对…热心)
【小题2】The book gave us a vivid enthusiastic  of the war. (描述)
【小题3】It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the description  week. (先前的)
【小题4】I deeply description  your kindness in ing so far to meet me. (感激)
【小题5】During our conversation, I realized he was trying to previous  the topic. (躲避)
【小题6】She looked up his telephone number in the phone book to appreciate  that she had got it right. (确定)
【小题7】Jack breaks the ice during the conversation by avoid  sometimes. (讲笑话)
【小题8】You are make sure  and you will succeed in the end if you keep moving like this. (取得进步)
【小题9】“The interests shall telling jokes  five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge. (划分)
【小题10】There is only ten minutes to go. We can’t wait any more, making progress , we should start at once. (换言之)


【小题1】be enthusiastic about 对。。。热情 我儿子对收集汽车模型热心。
【小题2】此处应填名词description 句意:这本书给了我们一个生动的描述。
【小题3】先前的previous 句意:在上个星期的下雨之后,变得出奇的干燥。
【小题4】感激(动词)appreciate; 句意:我对你来看我深表感激。
【小题5】躲避,避开avoid 句意:在我们的谈话中,我意识到他正在努力躲避这个话题。
【小题6】make sure。。。对。。。确定    句意:她在电话本里查阅了他的电话号码,确定号码是正确的。
【小题7】讲笑话tell jokes 又因为by是介词,后加doing 故填telling jokes句意:Jack有时会用讲笑话的方式打破谈话的冰冷气氛。
【小题8】取得进步 make progress  “ 进步”为不可数名词 句意:你取得了进步,你会取得成功如果你像这样努力的话。
【小题9】句意:利益被划分为5个部分  划分  divide into 又因为被动语态,故be divided into
【小题10】换言之in other words  句意:只有10分钟了,我们不能再等了,换言之,我们应该马上出发