Our tolerating ability is indeed beyond our imagination. But not until the very critical m

发布时间:2020-08-17 09:44:38

Our tolerating ability is indeed beyond our imagination. But not until the very critical moment will we realize our     tolerating ability.
There was a woman in the countryside who had to      with her children wherever she could at the age of 26 due to the Japanese army’s     . Many people could not bear the      and wanted to mit suicide. After she knew about it, she would e to those people and      them by saying, “Don’t do that silly thing. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe. The Japanese armies are sure to be      one day!”
Finally she insisted until the day when all the Japanese armies were kicked out of China. However, her son died of disease without      medicine and nutrition in those days of hardships. Her husband lay in bed for two days without eating and drinking     . She teared to her husband and said, “We have a tough     , but however tough our lives will be, we should never     . Though our son has passed away, we can have another. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe.”
After giving birth to the second son, her husband died of edema(水肿), which     blew her away. But eventually, she      and hugged the three young children, saying, “My sweet hearts, don’t feel scared. You still have me, your dear mum!”
It took her painstaking efforts to raise her children up and the life of her family was getting     . She was aging      and could not do the farm work any more.      she stayed at home and did some housework. Nevertheless, the Heaven      to show no affection to her who had undergone a rough life. She lived until 86. Before she went to Heaven, she said to her children, “You all should live      your best. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe!”
We will      get to realize our own iron will and strong tolerating      after getting stricken heavily. Therefore, no matter what you are suffering from now, do not merely plain about the      of our destiny.
【小题1】A.potentialB.partialC.beneficialD.influential【小题2】A.fightB.liveC.escapeD.hide【小题3】A.arrivalB.attackC.activityD.invasion【小题4】A.troubleB.sorrowC.starvationD.suffering【小题5】A.persuadedB.informedC.fortedD.warned【小题6】A.killedB.defeatedC.punishedD.blamed【小题7】A.sufficientB.effectiveC.satisfactory D.proper【小题8】A.nothingB.everythingC.anythingD.something【小题9】A.destinyB.environmentC.periodD.future【小题10】A.break awayB.break downC.give awayD.give up【小题11】A.immediatelyB.exactlyC.almostD.slowly【小题12】A.struggledB.curedC.weakenedD.recovered【小题13】A.betterB.sadderC.worseD.richer【小题14】A.eventuallyB.graduallyC.healthilyD.unluckily【小题15】A.ButB.AndC.ThenD.So【小题16】A.seemedB.happenedC.attemptedD.intended【小题17】A.forB.toC.atD.with【小题18】A.onlyB.neverC.evenD.still【小题19】A.effortB.willC.desireD.ability【小题20】A.arrangementB.unfairnessC.appointmentD.unhappinessA 


【小题1】考查形容词。根据Our tolerating ability is indeed beyond our imagination. But not until the very critical moment will we realize our 1l tolerating ability. 可知这里想说人的承受能力,其实远远超出我们的想象。但是不到关键时刻,我们很少能够意识自己的潜力。Potential潜在的;partial部分的;beneficial有益的;influential有影响的,故选A。
【小题2】 考查动词。根据wherever she could at the age of 26 due to the Japanese army’s 13.可知里想说26岁时她不得不带着孩子们逃走。故选C。
【小题3】考查名词。根据Many people could not bear the 14 and wanted to mit suicide.可知这里指日本人的入侵。故选D。
【小题4】考查名词。根据and wanted to mit suicide.可知许多人无法忍受这种苦难。故选D。
【小题5】考查动词。根据“Don’t do that silly thing. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe. The Japanese armies are sure to be 16 one day!”可知她是在安慰那些人,故选C。
【小题6】考查动词。根据Finally she insisted until the day when all the Japanese armies were kicked out of China.可知这里想说总有一天,日本军队会被打败。故选B。
【小题7】考查形容词。根据However, her son died of disease without 17 medicine and nutrition in those days of hardships.可知这里想说她终于熬到了把鬼子赶出中国的那一天,可是她的儿子却在那炮火连天的岁月里,由于缺医少药,又极度缺乏营养,因病夭折了。故选A。
【小题8】考查代词。根据She teared to her husband and said, “We have a tough 19, but however tough our lives will be, we should never 20. Though our son has passed away, we can have another. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe.”可知这里想说丈夫不吃不喝在床上躺了两天两夜,故选C。
【小题9】考查名词。根据but however tough our lives will be, we should never 20.可知这里想说咱们的命苦啊。故选A。
【小题10】考查词组。根据Though our son has passed away, we can have another. There are no such setbacks that we could not overe.”可知这里想说我们绝不能放弃,故选D。
【小题11】考查副词。根据After giving birth to the second son, her husband died of edema(水肿), which 21 blew her away.可知这里想说在这个打击下,她很长时间都没回过神来。故选C。
【小题12】考查动词。根据and hugged the three young children, saying, “My sweet hearts, don’t feel scared. You still have me, your dear mum可知这里想说但是最终,她恢复了,故选D。
【小题13】考查形容词。根据She was aging 24 and could not do the farm work any more. 25 she stayed at home and did some housework. Nevertheless, the Heaven 26 to show no affection to her who had undergone a rough life.可知这里想说她含辛茹苦地把孩子一个个拉扯大了,生活也慢慢好转起来。故选A。
【小题14】考查副词。根据and could not do the farm work any more可知这里想说她年纪逐渐大了。故选B。
【小题16】考查动词。根据to her who had undergone a rough life.可知这里想说上苍似乎并不眷顾这位一生坎坷的妇女。Seemed看起来;happened发生;attempted 尝试;intended打算,故选A。
【小题17】考查副词。根据There are no such setbacks that we could not overe!可知这里想说都要好好过。故选B。
【小题18】考查副词。根据get to realize our own iron will and strong tolerating 29 after getting stricken heavily.可知这里想说人总是在遭遇一次重创之后,才会幡然醒悟,故选A。
【小题19】考查名词。根据Our tolerating ability is indeed beyond our imagination. But not until the very critical moment will we realize our 1l tolerating ability. 故选D。
【小题20】考查名词。根据Therefore, no matter what you are suffering from now, do not merely plain about the 30 of our destiny. 可知这里想说所以,无论你正在遭遇什么磨难,都不要一味抱怨上苍不公平,甚至从此一蹶不振。故选B。