In January 1986 I saw a show about cartooning called “Funny Business” on TV. I had always

发布时间:2020-08-17 01:02:53

In January 1986 I saw a show about cartooning called “Funny Business” on TV. I had always wanted to be a     36    but never knew how. So I wrote to the host of the_37_, cartoonist Jack Cassady, asking for advice on entering the profession(职业).
Two weeks later I got a (n)     38    letter from Jack, answering my questions about materials and process(过程). He also     39     me not to get discouraged if I was refused    40    . He said the cartoon samples(样本) I sent him were good and worthy of publication(出版).
I got very     41    , finally understanding how the whole process    42    . I sent my best cartoons to Playboy and New Yorker,     43     the magazines rejected(拒绝)me immediately. Discouraged, I put my art supplies in the box and    44    to forget all about cartooning.
To my    45    , in June 1987 I got another letter from Jack, although I hadn’t even    46     him for the former advice. Here’s what he said:
Dear Scott,
I was reviewing my “Funny Business” mail file when I again came    47     your letter and your cartoons. I remember answering you letter.
I’m writing to encourage you to submit(提交) your ideas to various publications again. I hope you have     48     done so and are making progress and having some    49     too. Sometimes encouragement in the funny business is hard to e by. That’s    50     I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing.
I wish you good luck.
I was deeply    51    because Jack had nothing to gain—including my thanks. I acted on his    52    , took out my art supplies and inked the sample strips(漫画连载) that    53     became Dilbert.
I feel    54    that I wouldn’t have tried cartooning again if Jack hadn’t sent the second letter. As Dilbert became more successful I came to     55     Jack’s simple act of kindness.
【小题1】A.singerB.writerC.actorD.cartoonist【小题2】【小题3】A.surprisingB.encouragingC.shocking D.disappointing【小题4】A.allowedB.suggestedC.insisted D.warned【小题5】 firstB.first of the end【小题6】A.confusedB.anxiousC.excitedD.enthusiastic【小题7】A.performedB.advancedC.behavedD.worked【小题8】A.butB.soC.andD.though【小题9】A.concludedB.persuadedC.decidedD.thought【小题10】A.disappointmentB.surpriseC.sorrow(悲伤)D.satisfaction【小题11】A.askedB.hopedC.wishedD.thanked【小题12】A.acrossB.overC.offD.through【小题13】A.stillB.everC.alreadyD.yet【小题14】A.troubleB.funC.difficultyD.problem【小题15】A.whatB.whichC.howD.why【小题16】A.touchedB.interestedC.shockedD.influenced【小题17】A.warningB.encouragementC.adviceD.view【小题18】A.surprisinglyB.finallyC.constantlyD.freely【小题19】A.concernedB.uneasyC.worriedD.certain【小题20】A.understandB.honorC.appreciateD.respectD 


【小题1】D 上下文串联。根据下文内容可知我一直都梦想做一名卡通作家。故D正确。
【小题2】A 上下文串联。根据文章第一行I saw a show,说明我写信给这次演出的主持人。
【小题3】B 上下文串联。根据48空上一行I’m writing to encourage说明我收到是一封他写给我的鼓励的信,故B正确。
【小题4】D 动词辨析。A允许B建议C坚持D警告,提醒;他还提醒我遇见困难不要泄气。
【小题5】A 介词辨析。A起初,开始的时候B首先C/D最后,终于;他提醒我在开始的时候如果我被拒绝,不要泄气。
【小题6】C 形容词辨析。收到了他的鼓励我的信我应该感觉很兴奋。
【小题7】D 动词辨析。A表演B进步C行为D工作,进展;我最后终于明白整个过程是如何进行的。
【小题8】A 连词辨析。我把我的作品寄给了对方,但是对方立刻就拒绝了我。上下文之间存在转折关系。
【小题9】C 动词辨析。A结束B说服C决定D思考;我决定忘记所有与卡通有关的内容。
【小题10】B 上下文串联。多年以后我又一次收到了Jack的来信,这是一件很让我惊讶的事情。
【小题11】D 上下文串联。根据51空后Jack had nothing to gain—including my thanks说明我当年甚至都没有回信表示感谢。
【小题12】A 固定词组。Come across遇见,看见;Jack在重新看邮件的时候,又一次看见了这封信,所以才又给我写了信。
【小题13】C 副词辨析。Already以及。我希望你已经这样做了。
【小题14】B 名词辨析。A麻烦B快乐C困难D问题;他希望我能从卡通创造中得到快乐。
【小题15】D 连词辨析。这正是为什么我我鼓励你努力努力进行卡通创造的原因。
【小题16】A 形容词辨析。A感动的B有趣的C震惊的D有影响的;我被他感动了,这么多年以后他还写信给我来鼓励我进行卡通创作。
【小题17】C 名词辨析。A警告B鼓励C建议D观点;我按照他的建议开始做了。Advice经常与介词on连用。
【小题18】B 副词辨析。A让人惊讶地B最后C不停地D自由地;最后我创作出了Dilbert
【小题19】D 形容词辨析。A担忧的B不安的C担心的D确定的;我敢确定如果没有他的鼓励我接不会再一次尝试卡通。
【小题20】C 动词辨析。A理解B尊敬C欣赏,感激D尊敬;我很感激他给我的善意的鼓励。