Mary had some troubles, so she went to see the doctor. He was a new doctor, and did not kn

发布时间:2020-08-20 21:15:21

Mary had some troubles, so she went to see the doctor.  He was a new doctor, and did not know her.  So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, “What is your age?”
“Well...” Mary answered, “I don't quite remember, doctor, but I will try to think.” She thought for a while and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and my husband was thirty then. Now he is sixty, I know, and that is twice thirty. And so I am twice twenty-two. That is forty-four, isn't it?”
【小题1】Mary went to see the doctor because      .A.she had a headacheB.she had a feverC.she had caught a coldD.she wasn’t feeling well【小题2】At first the doctor      .A.asked her some questionsB.examined her carefullyC.gave her some medicineD.asked her to have a rest【小题3】The doctor's first question was “      “.A.You are no more than forty, are you?B.Do you have a fever?C.What is your age?D.Have you had any medicine?【小题4】Mary       .A.answered the doctor's questioned at onceB.answered the question after thinking for a whileC.just kept silentD.refused to tell her age【小题5】Mary should be      .A.forty-fourB.forty-fiveC.fiftyD.fifty-twoD 


【小题1】细节理解题,根据文中语句“Mary had some troubles, so she went to see the doctor. ”理解可知
【小题2】细节理解题,根据文中语句“He was a new doctor, and did not know her.  So he first asked her some questions.”理解可知
【小题3】细节理解题,根据文中语句“One of the questions was, “What is your age?”