The Greens lived in a small town. Mr. Green worked in a factory. Mrs. Green didn’t go out

发布时间:2020-08-22 09:45:09

The Greens lived in a small town. Mr. Green worked in a factory. Mrs. Green didn’t go out to work. She cooked meals and did some     46     at home all day. Their child Bob studied in a middle school far from their    47    . And he took a bus to school every day. Mrs. Green     48     get up very early in the morning to cook breakfast for the family.
One morning, Mrs. Green didn’t feel well,     49     she told her son to get something to eat himself. The boy didn’t find any food in the fridge and went to school without breakfast. After Bob left home, Mrs. Green felt very     50    about that. She got up and cooked     51    delicious for her son. Then she went to the bus stop and took a bus to her son’s school. It was her first time to go to her son’s school. After thirty minutes, she     52     the bus. “I can’t find the     53     to my son’s school. What shall I do?” she asked a man at the side of the road for help. “It doesn’t matter. Lie down in the middle of the     54    and the policemen will take you there,” the man answered.
“I don’t think so. The doctors will e     55_the policemen,” said Mrs. Green.
【小题1】A.shoppingB.cleaningC.readingD.writing【小题2】A.officeB.roomC.familyD.home【小题3】A.shallB.mayC.had toD.can【小题4】 C.butD.or【小题5】A.angryB.sorryC.happyD.excited【小题6】A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing【小题7】 onB.took offC.put off【小题8】A.way B.moneyC.trafficD.stop【小题9】【小题10】A.becauseB.insteadC.because ofD.instead ofB 


【小题1】此题考查对语句的正确理解,Mrs Green没有工作,所以在家做些家务,故选B表示打扫卫生。
【小题3】此题考查固定短语have to表示必须,不得不的意思。因描述的是过去时,故选C。