(2013·宜春五校联考)Someone his car in front of my house and it's blocking my way.A. was parking

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:31:23

(2013·宜春五校联考)Someone      his car in front of my house and it's blocking my way.
A. was parking  
B. parked
C. has parked 
D. had parked


A. was parking  
B. parked
(答案→)C. has parked 
D. had parked
解析:句意:有个人把他的车停在了我的房前,现在正挡着我的路。根据句意以及“it's blocking my way”可知,强调的是停车这个动作对现在造成的影响,故应用现在完成时。