单词拼写【小题1】He donated(捐赠)his collection of pictures to the museum.【小题2】The sailors had to ab

发布时间:2020-08-16 21:38:30

【小题1】He  donated (捐赠)his collection of pictures to the museum.
【小题2】The sailors had to abandon (遗弃)the sinking ship .
【小题3】Everybody in the class is expected to participate (参加)in these discussion.
【小题4】The People’s Republic of China was founded on October (十月)1st.
【小题5】Is Saturday (星期六)the last day of the week?
【小题6】This kind of mushroom is poisonous (有毒的)though it looks beautiful. Don’t eat it!
【小题7】It is convenient (方便的)to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.
【小题8】You can use the cards for any special occasion—weddings, births, anniversaries (周年纪念日),etc.
【小题9】He decided to stay there for a fortnight (两星期)
【小题10】I was nearly scared to death (死)when I saw a snake yesterday.


【小题3】短语:参加participate in,在这里应用原形;
【小题8】根据破折号后面的名词weddings, births,都是复数形式,所以此空也应用复数形式anniversaries;
【小题10】短语:吓死 be scared to death,所以填death。