—You a meal this evening. I had dinner at a restaurant with Tom.—Well, why didn’t you pho

发布时间:2020-08-29 23:42:34

—You      a meal this evening. I had dinner at a restaurant with Tom.
—Well, why didn’t you phone me and let me know?
A. should not cook
B. don’t need to cook
C. needn’t have cooked
D. should have cooked


A. should not cook
B. don’t need to cook
(答案→)C. needn’t have cooked
D. should have cooked
解析:考查情态动词。句中needn’t have done本没有必要做。句意:——今晚你本没有必要做饭。我已经和汤姆在饭店吃过了。——嗯,那为什么不打电话让我知道?