- How do you like “Tuhao”, Lucy?-- Personally, they are quite well-off money rather than I

发布时间:2020-08-17 07:54:38

- How do you like “Tuhao”, Lucy?
-- Personally, they are quite well-off     money rather than IQ.
A. in terms of
B. in reward for
C. in addition to
D. in exchange for


(答案→)A. in terms of
B. in reward for
C. in addition to
D. in exchange for
解析:句意:--你认为“土豪”怎么样?--就我个人而言,他们就钱来说很富有,而不是智商。用A. in terms of“就…而言”,其他三个选项:B. in reward for“做为…的回报“,C. in addition to“此外”,D. in exchange for“做为…的交换”,都不符合句意。选A。