阅读下面一则网络帖子,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文,作为跟帖。Hello there,I’m writing to ask you for help. It’s rea

发布时间:2020-08-15 00:58:43

Hello there,
I’m writing to ask you for help. It’s really urgent because I’m considering running away from home. I feel like there's no way to fix the problem with my mother.
Yesterday evening, we had a heated argument at home after I got home a bit late again.
I had been at my friend’s birthday party. I explained it to her but she just didn’t believe me.
I do know my mother loves me very much and she wants me around every day, or even every minute.
But the fact is that I am 17 years and have my own life style. I am my parents’ only child and my mother says she wants me to have the best possible chance of happiness in the future. She is always telling me to behave well when I leave home or go out. What’s worse, whenever there is a cold war between my mother and me, my father often keeps silent. I am not only confused but also hurt. I don't know what to say or what to do to make things right. I think they are out of fashion and too old to know my inner part.
To tell the truth, I have packed up my backpack but am still at a loss.
1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;
2. 然后以约120个词就Kate遇到的困惑发表看法,并包括如下要点:
(1) 你认为Kate是否应该离家出走,为什么?
(2) 给Kate提出至少2-3点建议。
概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。One possible version: 


(答案→)One possible version: 
1. 分概括及写作两部分评分,然后相加再给出该题总分。
2. 概括部分的要点: a. 与母亲争吵;   b. 想离家出走。缺少任何一个要点酌情扣1-2分。
3. 写作部分按0分、1-3分、4-6分、7-10分、11-13分、14-17分和18-20七档给分,根据语法和内容要点情况酌情给分。
●内容要点: a. 是否该离家出走,并给出原因;b. 2-3点建议。