——I feel nervous for I’m going to take an English competition tomorrow.——.A. Good luckB. T

发布时间:2020-08-17 00:38:16

——I feel nervous for I’m going to take an English petition tomorrow.
——    .
A. Good luck
B. Take it easy
C. Congratulations
D. Take your time


A. Good luck
(答案→)B. Take it easy
C. Congratulations
D. Take your time
解析:Good luck“祝你好运”,用于当某人要比赛或者考试之类的时候说的祝福语; Take it easy “别紧张”, 用于安慰对方不要紧张; Congratulations “恭喜”, 用于对方取得了成绩之后的祝福的话语; Take your time “慢慢来”,用于安慰别人不要着急,有的是时间,慢慢来;如果把I feel nervous去掉这个答案应该是A。故选B