完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you very much for coming

发布时间:2020-08-23 01:05:28

Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you very much for ing to this concert. I hope you have enjoyed the music.
The purpose of this concert is to 1 money for children in Africa. Every day 2children in Africa die 3 they have diseases or have not enough 4. There are two main reasons. First, there are no jobs for the children’s parents, so they have no money to buy food or 5. Second, the governments in 6 African countries do not have the money to take care of poor people.
7 African countries are poor. The land is not good for 8 plants and the 9 is also bad for farming. The organization we are trying to help, the Feed Africa Fund, 10 a lot of money every year on food for people in Africa. The money es from people 11 you ---kind, generous(慷慨,大方) people who do not want to see children die from hunger. Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to 12 a family of four for three days.
How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little 13 on your own food so that you have a 11 dollars for the Feed Africa Fund.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will now take a 15. Please be generous. Thank you.
【小题1】A.borrowB.raiseC.payD.lend【小题2】A.hundredB.hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.thousand【小题3】A.becauseB.soC.thereforeD.thus【小题4】A.to eatB.to sleepC.to playD.to drink【小题5】A.clothesB.medicineC.drinksD.toys【小题6】A.manyB.muchC.fewD.little【小题7】A.LittleB.FewC.MostD.Less【小题8】A.growingB.layingC.eatingD.putting【小题9】A.rainB.weatherC.sunD.moon【小题10】A.costsB.lendsC.spendsD.pays【小题11】A.andB.asC.likeD.of【小题12】A.feedB.buildC.developD.raise【小题13】A.moreB.fewC.lessD.little【小题14】A.fewB.littleC.lessD.more【小题15】A.showB.collectionC.lookD.petitionB 


【小题1】联系下文money for children in Africa.可知此处指的是为非洲的孩子们筹集资金,故选B,筹集。
【小题8】联系下文plants 植物,可知此处指的是种植庄稼,故选A,种植。
【小题10】动词辨析。cost用于 sth costs sb sth,主语必须是物,多指花费金钱,少数情况可指花费时间、气力,有时表示成本的消耗;lend借给;spend用于sb spend...on sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;pay的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。 (2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。 (3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。联系下文on food for people in Africa描述,可知选C
【小题11】词义辨析。A.和,并且; B.如同,和……一样的;C.像……一样的;D.关于,……的。联系下文描述,可知此处指的是像你一样的人,表示像……一样时,as用作连词,like用作介词,联系下文,可知选C。
【小题12】动词辨析。A.饲养,喂养;       B.建立;C.发展;D.筹集,养育。联系下文,可知此处指的是养育一个四口之家,故选D。
【小题14】词义辨析。A.几个,修饰可数名词复数;  B.一点,修饰不可数名词;C.更少的;D.更多的。联系上文描述,可知此处指的是你有几美元,故选A。