单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)【小题1】The Great Wall of China is a symbol(象征) of ancient Chinese civ

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:51:51

【小题1】The Great Wall of China is a symbol (象征) of ancient Chinese civilization.
【小题2】The flood destroyed thousands of houses and made many peoplehomeless (无家可归).
【小题3】Have you experienced experience (体验) real hunger?
【小题4】Hurricane is a very        (强烈的) wind or storm.
【小题5】An unhappy homeviolent (环境)can affect a child’s behavior.
【小题6】The film was very environment (恐怖的), I was scared to death when I was seeing it.
【小题7】Your idea is fightening (绝对的) impossible.
【小题8】He has justabsolutely (辞职) from the mittee.
【小题9】Alexander Bellresigned (发明)the telephone in 1879.
【小题10】The building invented (追溯到) back to 1823.


【小题10】固定词组date back to追溯到。