单词拼写【小题1】The elephant is the national ( 象征) of Thailand .【小题2】The government has promised

发布时间:2020-08-17 02:37:34

【小题1】The elephant is the national      ( 象征) of Thailand .
【小题2】The government has promised to take      ( 措施) to help the unemployed.
【小题3】When did the accident     . ( 发生)?
【小题4】Thousands of people died in the natural     . (灾害)。
【小题5】A      ( 沙尘暴) often occurs in Northwest every spring.
【小题6】The young painter has exhibited his work in several g    .
【小题7】Everyone should set a g     for his life, work and so on.
【小题8】He earns 1,000 yuan a month. His family live on such a small i    .
【小题9】Tom’s words c     me a lot of trouble.
【小题10】The film was very f    . I was scared to death when I was seeing it.symbol 


【小题2】考查词组:采取措施:take measures
【小题4】考查名词:灾难:disaster,natural disaster自然灾难
【小题7】考查名词:目标:goal,set a goal确定一个目标