only $5 billion short of the record bill in 2008.o

发布时间:2021-02-23 03:37:28

only $5 billion short of the record bill in 2008.only $5 billion short of the record bill in 2008.But neither step will do much to constrain banks swimming in deposits and lending to an economy growin


1. 比2008年他纪录的法案只少了50亿美元
2. 但这些措施对银行都会无能为力,它们会在存款中畅游并向按标准说法,以每年15%的速度增长的经济贷款.
3. 可是怎样才能阻止每家每户只买一瓶食用油而不是两瓶呢?
应该是不正确的,应该是:the rice and the tea are grown in the south of China.