Afederal agency on Tuesday called for a ban on all cellphone use by drivers the most fa

发布时间:2020-08-16 23:05:50

A federal agency on Tuesday called for a ban on all cellphone use by drivers -- the most far-reaching remendation up to now — saying its decision was based on a decade of investigations into distraction-related(与分散注意力有关的) accidents, as well as growing concerns that powerful mobile devices are giving drivers even more reasons to look away from the road.
As part of its remendation, the National Transportation Safety Board is urging states to ban drivers from using hands-free devices, including wireless headsets. No state now has made laws to ban such activity, but the Board said that drivers faced serious risks from talking on wireless headsets, just as they do by taking a hand off the wheel to hold a phone to their ears.
However, the concern was heightened by increasingly powerful phones that people can use to send e-mails, watch movies and play games.
Every year, new devices are being on sale. she said. People are attracted to update their Facebook page, to play music with cellphone, as if sitting at a desk. But they are driving a car.
The agency based its remendation on evidence from its investigation of numerous crashes in which electronic distraction was a major contributing factor.
Ms. Hersman said she understood that this remendation would be unwele in some circles, given the number of drivers who talk and text. But she pared distracted driving to drunken driving and even smoking, which required wholesale cultural shifts to change behavior.
It's going to be very unpopular with some people. she said. We're not here to win a popularity contest. We're here to do the right thing. This is a difficult remendation, but it's the right remendation and it is time.
The agency's remendation is not required for states to adopt such a ban. And it won't likely be agreed upon by state lawmakers who are unwillingly to anger those who have grown accustomed to using their device behind the wheel.
The ban also deserves attention because it is the first call by a federal agency to end the practice pletely, rather than the partial ban that some lawmakers have put in place by allowing hands-free talking.
【小题1】The ban on all cellphone use by drivers was put forward    .A.after a long discussion and remendationB.after about ten years' investigation in itC.because of the most powerful mobile devicesD.for the reason of heading away from the road【小题2】From the second paragraph we know that now is legal to use wireless headsets while drivingB.wireless headsets are illegal in some is safe to talk on wireless headsets while drivingD.hands-free devices can be used in some states【小题3】We can know from the passage that    .A.electronic distraction resulted in numerous crashesB.numerous crashes were caused by drunk drivingC.electronic distraction contributed much to the banD.the remendation was based on electronic distraction【小题4】Ms Hersman thinks that distracted driving, drunken driving and smoking    .A.are just mon behaviorsB.can be shifted to behaviorsC.are behaviors to be changedD.are just cultural behaviors【小题5】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.Cellphone Ban inCarsB.Valuable Ban for CellphonesC.Drivers Ban CellphonesD.Cellphone Ban while DrivingB 


【小题1】B 细节题。根据第1段2,3行its decision was based on a decade of investigations into distraction-related(与分散注意力有关的) accidents中的decade(十年)可知B正确,经过10年的调查,提出了这样的禁令。故B正确。
【小题2】A 推理题。文章中提出,一家机构提出这样的建议禁止司机开车时用手机,说明现在仍然是可以使用的,还是合法的。故A正确。
【小题3】A 推理题、根据文章第五段  The agency based its remendation on evidence from its investigation of numerous crashes in which electronic distraction was a major contributing factor知道在很多事故中,因为使用手机的电子设备而导致注意力分散最后导致了事故的发生,故A正确。
【小题4】C 根据文章第六段第2句she pared distracted driving to drunken driving and even smoking, which required wholesale cultural shifts to change behavior.可知她认为现在是整个文化转变和行为转变的时间了,故C正确。
【小题5】D 主旨大意题。主旨讨论的主要就是开车时候禁止使用手机这一建议。