“Passengers not have their breakfast on the light train”. This rule arouses heated debate

发布时间:2020-08-17 05:08:30

“Passengers      not have their breakfast on the light train”. This rule arouses heated debates in Chongqing.
A. may
B. shall
C. can
D. should


A. may
(答案→)B. shall
C. can
D. should
1. You shall have a sweet. 你会吃到一块糖。(表允诺)2. You shall do as you please. 你可以随意行事。(表允诺)3. He shall suffer for this. 他将为此受苦。(威胁)4. Each petitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定),解题关键词:rule. 故B正确。