My twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four_1younger than me. Our birthdays are 2 on

发布时间:2020-08-23 02:46:41

My twin brother is called Daniel, and he is four_1    younger than me. Our birthdays are     2     on the 5th of January. We have the same eyes and noses. Most people say we     3     the same, but Daniel looks a little     4    than me. We aren’t in the same class at school,     5     my parents want us to be a bit different. We often     6     the same way, but we choose different    7     .I like red and he likes blue. I think we are very    8     .He is really, really active, and he    9     every day. He also plays puter games a lot but I don’t.  At school I always e top, but he hardly ever does well    40     the exams. So teachers often say we are very different .
【小题1】A.yearsB.weeksC.minutesD.hours【小题2】A.allB.bothC.alsoD.either【小题3】A.lookB.thinkC.soundD.see【小题4】A.tallerB.hotterC.smarterD.shorter【小题5】A.becauseB.ifC.thoughD.but【小题6】A.studyB.playC.wearD.put on【小题7】【小题8】A.seriousB.quietC.differentD.atletic【小题9】【小题10】A.inB.atC.forD.onC 


【小题4】词义辨析。A.更高的;B.更热的;C.更聪明的 ;D.更矮的;联系前文描述,及转折连词but,可知丹尼尔比我高一点。故选A。
【小题10】结合语境可知考查短语do well in在……方面做得好,故选A。