We're now living in an information 4ge, m that TV, cell【小题1】phones and the Web are wide us

发布时间:2020-08-16 14:46:16

We're now living in an information 4ge, m that TV, cell           【小题1】    
phones and the Web are wide used.It seems that many people    【小题2】    
cannot enjoy them without them.However, if I had to give      【小题3】    
up one of them, I will turn off the TV ratter than switch off        【小题4】    
my ceil phone and cut off the Internet.I could do without TV     【小题5】    
because few show take my fancy and there're too many mercials.【小题6】    
Besides, most programs on the TV are also available elsewhere.  【小题7】    
As for cell phones and the Web, they are more necessary to me.   【小题8】    
I need a cell phone to keep touch with m> friends and family, and   【小题9】    
almost all information can be gather on the Internet.            【小题10】    That→which 

