配对阅读。【小题1】Bill is so rich that he wants to book the best hotel for his coming holidays.【小题

发布时间:2020-08-23 06:22:15

【小题1】Bill is so rich that he wants to book the best hotel for his ing holidays.
【小题2】Tonny wants to find a job as a tourist guide.
【小题3】Jackson is interested in the fashion of men’s clothes next year.
【小题4】Ken has to find a job and he thinks about going to the Internet for some information.
【小题5】Lily would like to do some exercise after work.A.Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana take on a more daring male customer. Their show will be on TV this Sunday evening.B.International Bank(The bank offers a range of services including signature loans and other loan types with low rates.)C.Guangzhou Kang An Bowling Center is open from 16:00 to 22:00 every weekday.D.West Holiday. Part-time provided. Guide for the summer holiday. Good pay. Tel: 020-83322222E. http://www.e51job.net
F. Five-star-hotel China Hotel. Add: No. 1 Liu Hua Rd, Tel: 020-86666888F 

