The idea of fish being able to produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp is almost

发布时间:2020-08-16 12:47:43

The idea of fish being able to produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp is almost unbelievable,      several kinds of fish are really able to do this.
A. therefore
B. and     
C. then     
D. but


A. therefore
B. and     
C. then     
(答案→)D. but
解析:连词辨析。  A.因此 B.和,并且 C.那么,然后;D.但是。句意:鱼能够产生的电流足够点亮一盏灯的想法,是令人难以置信的,但是有几种与确实能够做到这一点。故选D。