补全对话,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)-What was the party like last night, Bruce

发布时间:2020-08-16 15:54:30

---- What was the party like last night, Bruce?
---- Not bad at all, thanks, Betty. There are some interesting people there. 【小题1】
---- Well. I couldn’t get away from work early. And when I got home I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed. But I wasn’t able to sleep for hours.
----     【小题2】_Why didn’t you take some sleeping pills?
---- I don’t like them. I used to take them when I wasn’t able to sleep, you know, but they did have side effect.
----    【小题3】_
---- Three every night.
---- _【小题4】.
---- Because I was under a lot of stress. Anyway, I used to feel terrible the next morning.
---- 【小题5】_
---- The doctor said I had to be careful.
---- He was quite right.
---- So I have decided to give up the habit of taking coffee late at night.A.What happened?B.What a shame!C.I’m sure you did.D.Why couldn’t you e?E. What do you have in mind? F. How many did you use to take?
G. Oh, why did you take so many?D 

