(2013·吉林长春三校高三调研)Was it through Mary, was working at a high school, you got to know Tom?

发布时间:2020-08-17 09:06:14

(2013·吉林长春三校高三调研)Was it through Mary,      was working at a high school,      you got to know Tom?
A. who; who
B. that; which
C. who; that
D. who; which


A. who; who
B. that; which
(答案→)C. who; that
D. who; which
解析:C 考查定语从句及强调句。句意:你是不是通过正在高中工作的玛丽认识汤姆的?第一空引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Mary,并在从句中作主语,故用who;第二空用that,与Was it through Mary一起构成强调句的一般疑问形式,被强调部分是作方式状语的介词短语through Mary。故C项正确。