As tourist attraction, the Summer Palace does have strong attraction to visitors from ho

发布时间:2020-08-17 07:20:38

As      tourist attraction, the Summer Palace does have      strong attraction to visitors from home and abroad.
A. the; /
B. the; a
C. a; /
D. a; the


A. the; /
B. the; a
(答案→)C. a; /
D. a; the
解析:本句的名词tourist attraction旅游景点,是一个可数名词。本句使用a修饰该名词,表示泛指。第二空的名词attraction是一个抽象名词,单独使用。句义:作为一个旅游景点,颐和园对于来自海内外的游客有很强的吸引力。故C正确。