—He has a lot of friends who have a lot in common with himself.—Indeed. Birds of feather

发布时间:2020-08-17 05:45:54

—He has a lot of friends who have a lot in     mon with himself.
—Indeed. Birds of      feather flock together.
A. the, \
B. the, a
C. \, a
D. a, the


A. the, \
B. the, a
(答案→)C. \, a
D. a, the
解析:考查冠词:句意:--他有很多朋友,和他有很多共同之处。--确实,物以类聚,人以群分。第一空不填,have…in mon有…共同之处,第二空填a,of a feather“一种羽毛的”,选C。